Will your brain need “scheduled updates” in the future?

Elon Musk wants to link your brain to your computer

Preparing humans for the rise of artificial intelligence

Photo cred: futuristgerd.com


What does the future behold for brain vs. AI technology?

The time has come.  It is 2017 and we are trying to connect computer technology innately into our brains, to keep up with robot intelligence.  Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX CEO, has developed a new company called Neuralink, a brain-computer interface company, that is working on “neural lace” implants, to turn “cloud-based AI into an extension of the human brain”.  Yes, you heard it right.  The future may hold hyper-intelligent people.  Or simply, people with computer technology in their heads.  Talk about Netflix, Black Mirror, season 1, episode 3.  The time for advanced innovation is now.  Wired.com posted an article about Musk’s new and developing company.  Musk explains in an interview with Wait But Why, that this new technology will not only allow you to access and understand new information, but also help patients with severe brain injuries caused by stroke, cancer lesion, epilepsy and others, repair cognitive function, in the next four years.  He says that with the help of brain implants directly linked to computers, humans may be able to improve their brain function, or even one day download their thoughts, or upload the thinking of others onto a computer.  Yes, it sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, doesn’t it?  But, it is in the process of development.  This micron-sized device is expected to keep humans on the same playing field as advancing artificial intelligence.

Currently, there are implants out there that link to the neurons in our brain, strictly used for those with disabilities.  So, this isn’t too far off the radar.  There are people with pacemakers in their chest, those with wired neuron technology to link prosthetic limbs to touch senses, and so forth.  Musk predicts that neural lace could take about eight to 10 years to become usable by people without disabilities and would still then have to be approved for safe implantation.  It also depends on how well the devices worked on those people with disabilities.  The wired article delves deeper into  this idea of “transhumanism”, the enhancement of humanity’s capabilities through science and technology.  They discuss the living reality of many people, today, who already have technology within them.  A very interesting example that was given, was of documentary-maker, Rob Spence, who replaced one of his own eyes with a video camera in 2008.  Talk about crazy!  Can you imagine what that looks like, let alone, feels like?

Rob Spence Photo
Rob Spence; Photo cred – buzznigeria.com
rob spence
Rob Spence Camera Eye

According to wired.com, Elon Musk said, earlier this year, at a conference in Dubai, that the science behind neural lace is “mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself, particularly output.”  He says that we already have a digital and physical version of ourselves.  One that we see physically and the online version of ourselves that we display through email and social media.  But the real question that no one seems to be asking is, “How much will this thing cost?”

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CNBC said it best in their article, How Elon Musk’s Neuralink  could end up hurting average Americans,  the “one question Musk hasn’t answered (and in fairness, it may not be his responsibility to answer) is who will have the privilege of getting a neural lace?”  Prices have not yet been released, but it can go without saying that Elon Musk’s neural lace transplant probably won’t be covered by your typical insurance plan.  In other words, it looks as if this will be a rich persons advantage.

It reminds me of the movie “Repo Man”.  If neural lace is to be offered to the middle and lower class, can/will it be in the form of monthly or yearly payments?  And what if you don’t make that payment?  What is the penalty?  Will they take away your implant forcefully like they do when repossessing your TV’s, couches, or cars?  If you don’t pay up will you have to fear for your life?  The way people are attached to HANDHELD technology now,  you can only imagine how attached they will be to something that enhances cognitive function, and allows you to download memory.  They’ll feel “less” of a person if they don’t have it.  Imagine saying in ten years time, “Hey man, did you get the new neural lace update?”  and your friend responds, “Aww, no.  Maybe that’s why my eyes been twitching all day”.


Scientific Terms that may be Unknown

If you’re a science major, go ahead and TEST YOURSELF, if you’re not, still, read on.  I’ve compiled a …

A Whaaatttt??


If you’re a science major, go ahead and TEST YOURSELF, if you’re not, still, read on.  I’ve compiled a list of TEN frequent terms that I’ve recently come across in several scientific journals, that may be unfamiliar or incomprehensible to those who are not in the scientific field.  They were all over the research articles that I’ve read this past week, with the expectation that the reader would already know what they were.  News flash, we’re lost!  So, I’ve placed them here, so that when they are used, we’ll know exactly what is meant by them.  The more you know, right?


  1. Cognition:  the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
  2. [Beta] Protein Gene:  Also, and more properly called, the APP gene, is a gene that provides instructions for making a protein called amyloid precursor protein. This protein is found in many tissues and organs, including the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).  Studies suggest that in the brain, it helps direct the movement (migration) of nerve cells (neurons) during early development.  Amyloid precursor protein is cut by enzymes to create smaller fragments (peptides), some of which are released outside the cell. Two of these fragments are called soluble amyloid precursor protein (sAPP) and amyloid beta (β) peptide.  Which is why the term “beta protein gene” is also used. Amyloid β peptide is likely involved in the ability of neurons to change and adapt over time (plasticity).
  3. Antibodies:  a blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen (a toxin or other foreign substance, like bacteria and viruses). Antibodies then combine chemically with those substances to fight them off in your immune system.
  4. Amyliods: are groups of proteins that become folded into a shape that allows many copies of that protein to stick together forming fibrils (a small/slender fibers).  Amyloid plaques are sticky buildup which accumulates outside nerve cells, or neurons. For reasons still unknown, in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), the protein divides improperly, creating a form called beta amyloid which is toxic to neurons in the brain.
  5. mRNA (messenger RNA):  is a subtype of RNA. An mRNA molecule carries a portion of the DNA code to other parts of the cell for processing.  mRNA is created during transcription.
  6. Autosomal Dominant Gene:  is one of several ways that a trait or disorder can be passed down (inherited) through families. In an autosomal dominant disease, if you inherit the abnormal gene from only one parent, you can get the disease. Often, one of the parents may also have the disease.  An autosomal recessive disorder means two copies of an abnormal gene must be present in order for the disease or trait to develop.
  7. Gene Locus:  locus (plural loci) in genetics is the POSITION on a chromosome. Each chromosome carries many genes.  There’s 23 chromosomes.
  8. Synthesized:  make (something) by synthesis, especially chemically.  Combining (constituent elements) into a single or unified entity.
  9. Centromere:  the region of a chromosome to which the microtubules of the spindle attach, via the kinetochore, during cell division.
  10. Neurofibrillary Tangles (NFT):  are groups of hyperphosphorylated tau protein that are most commonly known as a primary marker of Alzheimer’s disease.  They are insoluble twisted fibers found inside the brain’s cells. These tangles consist primarily of a protein called tau, which forms part of a structure called a microtubule. The microtubule helps transport nutrients and other important substances from one part of the nerve cell to another. In Alzheimer’s disease, however, the tau protein is abnormal and the microtubule structures collapse.  The neuropathological diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease relies on the presence of both neurofibrillary tangles and senile/amyloid plaques.

[This list may increase over time]

How your diet affects your brain health!

It’s no secret that diet is a very important aspect in our daily lives.  But, are what we’re consuming benefiting us?  Of course we won’t always be eating healthy,  but having a diet that is well balanced is a bright idea.  Obesity, Fitness, and Wellness Week, posted a journal about what different studies are saying regarding our brain in relation to our diet.  The journal related healthy dieting to higher levels of memory and brain function later on in life, allowing you to…


Am I eating at my best?


It’s no secret that diet is a very important aspect in our daily lives.  But, are what we’re consuming benefiting us?  Of course we won’t always be eating healthy,  but having a diet that is well balanced is a bright idea.  Obesity, Fitness, and Wellness Week, posted a journal about what different studies are saying regarding our brain in relation to our diet.  The journal related healthy dieting to higher levels of memory and brain function later on in life, allowing you to enhance your memory as you age.  As Alzheimer’s become a major factor in the life of many elderly people today, researchers/scientists are working on finding preventative techniques to help people stray away from Alzheimer’s disease as they get older.  When you’re young, memory loss and the thought of Alzheimer’s disease are not a main topic on your mind.  We know that.  But, this is actually the time when you should be more focused on your diet and eating better.  Prevention starts early.  The more you work on yourself when you’re young, the better the benefits are as you get older.  Feed your brain more than oil and saturated fat!  Not saying, “No fries!” “Put down that fried chicken!”, but maybe reward yourself with one fatty meal a week?  Or every two weeks? You’ll notice your body will feel much better and operate better than it has in weeks prior.

So the next question is, “Ok. I know I should start early, but what age is ‘early'”?  Look, there is no “set age” for when you should begin to take investment in yourself.  I realize as a teen, unhealthy eating is a “right of passage” but as someone in or transitioning into your twenties, your body is changing and SETTING.  Your time for growth is over.  You’re an adult now and should start developing an interest in what is going into your body.  Everything is probably pretty hectic and fast paced right now, so scruffing down food that is high in saturated fat, sugar, and oil is the last thing you need.  It’ll slow you down and make you tired quicker.  So, switching to a healthier diet wouldn’t be a bad choice to make around this time.  Those in their 30’s and 40’s are just the same, except, you’re getting a bit older and your metabolism may not be as high as it use to be.  So, implementing healthy foods and exercise into your diet would be a good lifestyle choice.  Signs of early onset Alzheimer’s range in around age 50.

Regular health advice, usually from your doctor, like staying active and keeping cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure down and under control, is the direction you want to head in.  I know we’ve all heard it before, said “Ok. I’m going to do it” and brushed it off because we’ve all been surviving this long, BUT as we get older we need to take it more seriously.  Make it a goal to start tomorrow! Start with small goals and work your way up.  “OK.  Tomorrow I won’t go to McDonald’s after work for the big mac with extra mac sauce and 30 nuggets because its a deal.  Instead I’ll take a leafy green salad to work for lunch and try that.”  When, not if you like it, because I know you’ll love it, you can do it again tomorrow or next week, or every other day.  You’ll feel lighter and more energized.  Study participants with all three of those traits mentioned earlier were found to be six times more likely to get dementia than somebody without any of those traits, according to researcher Dr. Miia Kivipelto of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

Jae Hee Kang, an instructor at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, did a study on women in their 60’s who habitually ate more cruciferous and green leafy vegetables than other women.  The results showed less overall decline on a bundle of tests measuring memory, verbal ability and attention when they were in their 70’s.  These were foods like broccoli, cauliflower, romaine lettuce and spinach.  Foods easily found at your local grocery store.  Kang said that the effects of the vegetables on their cognition most likely stemmed from the antioxidants and B vitamins within them.

So what should I be eating?  Stock up on fruit and vegetables, the more the better.  Eat up across the color spectrum (strawberries, grapes, oranges, pineapple, broccoli, greens etc.) to maximize the amount of protective antioxidants you receive.  Get plenty of omega-3 fats, like salmon, tuna, trout, sardines etc. FISH IS BRAIN FOOD!  Also, enjoy some daily cups of tea.  It could enhance memory and mental alertness. White and oolong teas in particularly.  Also do some cooking at home instead of going out.  This way you know EXACTLY what is in your food and guess what, seconds are free!  These are the keys to mental success!… On the consumption end of things.  There are of course other things to get your mind flowing, but these foods are better for your brain!


Fresh mixed green salad



Topic Selection

As Michio Kaku once remarked, “Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe”.  So why not discover as much as you can about it right now?  I find it vital for us to understand and learn how the brain operates.  We all have one.  So, we should share some interest in this topic, right?  Just by reading …


As Michio Kaku once remarked, “Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe”.  So why not discover as much as you can about it right now?  I find it vital for us to understand and learn how the brain operates.  We all have one.  So, we should share some interest in this topic, right?  Just by reading some articles and scientific studies about how simple and complex actions take place, like remembering a song sang to you as a baby or clutching your fist, we get closer to understanding how our everyday actions are carried out.  How do our bodies carry out actions?  How are those brain signals being relayed that fast?  It’s a crazy thought if you sit and think about it, almost magical.   How do our brains send signals to other parts of our body to perform actions?  How does a simple action like looking down at your feet and moving your toes possible to do in a nanosecond?  If you do not know the exact answer to that, then reading up on some neuroscience articles should be on your list of priorities.  Why not expand your knowledge?  The more we study what is normal brain function, the easier it becomes for us to recognize what may be abnormal when something feels wrong.  Therefore, I chose the topic of neuroscience to translate to the public this semester.  I want to get this information out to the public in a CLEAR, and easily comprehensible manner.  A lot of scientific journals that you find often stick to scientific jargon when relaying information to the public, which makes it difficult for the reader to stay engaged and comprehend all the information that is flowing at them.  I want to get that information out in a simpler way that both keeps people engaged and shows them how important brain health is, especially as you get older.

I plan on exploring, the limits of our brains, new/existing studies on the causes of certain brain ailments and disorders like Alzheimer’s, how to maintain good brain health as we age, and how our brains are being implemented in today’s advancing society of technology.  This pulls in the technology crowd, the scientific crowd, the curious crowd, and those who can identify with certain brain ailments or know someone who has.  We can ALL learn together.  I will do the research, and everyone else tune in.  I already know why certain actions take place in our brains, like how we sustain our memories, how thirst and hunger relate to our brains and what triggers it, how to repair brain function after a stroke, and ways to sustain your brain health and increase brain activity.  I want to discover how the brain links to Alzheimer’s.  What occurs to get us there?  I researched a few articles on the topic before, and read that scientists are still unclear on what causes the disease.  But, there has been studies developed around genes being a factor.  There seems to be a correlation between the gene/chromosome that causes Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease, but researchers have not found what that link is just yet.  So, I would like to delve deeper into that subject and find more studies that can provide me with better answers as to why this disease occurs.  Do poor eating habits play into effect?  Lack of brain stimulation, as you get older?  Is poor memory as an adolescent a factor, when you don’t work to improve it?  This all interests me, and I’m sure someone else out there who may not be a scientist, or expert researcher, might want to know as well.

Why do I always find myself…

Ever wonder why you always go for chocolate at 1 a.m.? Or why you just can’t simply enjoy Scandal without your glass of  wine?  Ever gotten into a car with a friend and got instantly annoyed when they took a different route to a place you travel to everyday?  That my friend is what we call…



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“Neurons Responsible for Orchestrating Habitual Behavior Identified”

Ever wonder why you always go for chocolate at 1 a.m.? Or why you just can’t simply enjoy Scandal without your glass of  wine?  Ever gotten into a car with a friend and got instantly annoyed when they took a different route to a place you travel to everyday?  That my friend is what we call, “Habit Stricken”.  Stuck in the routine of things.  But why do our brains develop this habit?  What sparks within us?  Recently, I have become exceedingly interested in the topic of neuroscience and brain functionality.  I find it vital for us to understand and learn how the brain operates, whether it is through simple or complex actions, and discover how and why those actions are performed.  If we study what is normal within our brains it becomes easier for us to recognize what may be broken within them.

This week I came across a very interesting article on neurosciencenews.com [Click for Source].  This article discussed a new study done by Duke University Neuroscientists.  The goal of the study was to identify the key neuron in our brain responsible for delegating habit within us. The tests were performed on mice with a developed sugar habit. Researchers trained healthy mice to retrieve a healthy treat every time they passed a lever. The team then studied the brain activity of these mice every time they secured a treat.

They discovered that habit formation boosts the activity of an influential cell in the striatum, a region in our brain, and that shutting it down with a drug was enough to break the habits in sugar-seeking mice.  The actual parts of the brain that drove habitual behavior were found not responsible for the development of the habit, but rather a more controlling cell in the brain that would signals to those areas.  The mice that developed a habit lit up an area deep in their brain called the striatum. The striatum contained two sets of neural pathways: a “go” and “stop” pathway. The “go” pathway, was responsible for inciting an action and the “stop” pathway inhibited an action.

The cell was described as relatively rare, but a cell that was heavily connected to the main neurons that relayed outgoing messages. This cell was called the fast-spiking interneuron (FSI). Researchers noticed that when the mice pressed the lever for a treat, it made the FSI’s in the striatum area of the brain more excitable. This area began to work harder. So, they gave the mice a drug that decreased the firing of FSIs in the brain and found that the “stop” and “go” pathways reverted to their “pre-habit” brain activity patterns.  The habit behavior disappeared.

This then rose questions regarding people who deal with addictions and compulsion disorders.  Why do they have these disorders?  Perhaps there was corruption within certain neurons in their brain that caused the addiction.  Maybe by targeting certain areas of the brain, we can find new ways to decrease the effects of these disorders and possibly develop a temporary, if not permanent cure to control these disorders.  I think that studies like this are what helps us delve deeper into our understanding of normal brain processes. This type of research allows us to understand why certain habitual actions take place and how some bad habits may have developed and lived on. For example, driving the same route every day, showering every night before bed or always helping yourself to the two jelly filled donuts you see when walking past the snack station at work.  The more we know about what are normal processes within our brain, the easier it will be to find what is broken within them.